1/29/15 3:37 PM USA California Time I am feeling a motion, it is a rocking, back and forth, like I am suspended in a womb, and I am a fetus. I believe that you are going through a Mini-Death. Your old life is leaving you and your are in the infancy of a new beginning. It takes a tremendous amount of faith to be here in you life. There is a vast plane of space, it is in motion and it is clear of all obstruction or delusion. You are very clear. You see the truth. Introspection is what brought you to this beginning. Infancy makes one feel very venerable and helpless. There is a desire to rely on others for guidance and support. Ok now the support is showing up. I see support in many different avenues, spirits, your higher self, and the ones here on Earth that love you. You have a lot of support. What I do see though is the Earth existence at this point is essential in growth. Walking a new path. The path of light. What does that mean? For everyone it is a magnetic pull of some kind urging him or her to move in a certain direction. When the field of energy is not showing any pulls there is something that needs to be ignited. Here is where the search begins. A leap of faith. I see something ahead of you. It is some kind of activity with other people with similar interests. An example; Civil war reenactment. Not to say you will do this, but I see this in your future, and event you participate in that ignites an energetic flame inside. It will open up a new way of perception, the perception of life it’s self. Like the captain of your own ship or pilot of your own plane. You become the leader of your own path. There are signs and omens that will come to you in the form of synchronistic anomalies. You will question your own perception, but don’t try to explain, just write it down in a journal. It is the language of your higher path that speaks to you in this way. Guidance and support is there. Now your job is to open up and embrace your own guidance. The other supporter will always be there encouraging you on. Be free. MEDITATION NOTES
May 8, 2015 BIRTHDAY PRESENT Connecting Moment of photo you were partially there, the other part of you was under the ocean with Light ETs. There is some encoding within your light body. It is in fluctuation at times in the past but has been corrected it’s self with your physical reality, which is now fluctuating. I am getting tit-tat sounds, high pitch frequencies, like chirping and humming sounds. There is quite a bit of activity all around you. Embedded light coding for monitoring. I do see some control but you have guides that are protecting you for your next phase in life. The activity is slowing down. There is a high vibration happening right now in your environment. A kind of quickening, where the energies are changing formation and structure and realigning to a new Higher Evolved State Of Being. Very important you know this because of your human status. The patterns of life are going to heavily effected within an approximate time line pre-ordained by the strange frequencies that are influencing you on a very highly evolved level. I am getting a column of light that is a portal. This portal is running through the top of your head and entering into your energy bodies. You have been to the source of the emanation with your astral body and 10th dimensional energy body. Presently I see 12 energy bodies around you here on Earth. You are linked to this source most of the time. Earth life is distracting you from your “Full Time Higher Purpose”. You are an educator and facilitator for the present shifting of Earth and the status of matrix realities, as we know it. The matrix fabric that constitutes our reality is being shifted to a light body more than a physical structure. It is important to understand that resistance can cause certain physical anomalies, such as cellular malfunction in the microcrondrial growth. The act of resistance is causing harm. It is important to “Allow” changes to take place. Allow the energy fluctuations to flow. Change is not an accurate word, evolution into a higher state of being. Astral connection and awareness is helping you ascend into this new reality. It is bleeding into the physical realm. Evidence of this is seen in instant manifestation from projected thought visualizations, feelings, intentions, and force of projected energy. Guard your energy body with matrix formations as a shield for what enters your fields. Like being on stage the actor can now affect the audience with energy projection. Where before the relationship with the actor and audience were through empathy and conveyance of accurate information expressed. Now humans can imprint and place implants of energy into each other. Dolphins do this naturally for healing. Moving past analyzed readings and going past Earthly life and functions, further into the Universal Sources. I am traveling with you, with all of you, your immortal being. There is this strong desire and sometimes-human mourning to go back to the source of your Divine Soul. The part of you that is the creator. The Divine Being that is you is called Pherioal Schul. This is word is important. I hope I spelled it correctly. It is more of a sound than a word. Pronounced Fair Ree Allll Sssss h ulllll. It is the angelic language of your Divine being. Simultaneously there are many lives working together for the Universal fluctuation. It is a Universal shift. As I have spoken of before the new Niburu planet brings in every 2000 years a shift but his time for the first time there is a lighting of the matrix. The fabric is not so dense anymore. The realities that we are familiar with are melting together. Very important to link and anchor in the Divine connections that you have with your Over Soul Pherioal Schul. The nurturing energies are flooding in now. When you do link into your Over Soul, “Pherioal Schul”. You are aiding the Earth to link into Pherioal Schul. Masses of individuals are now doing this intentionally and unintentionally. Those that are resistant are disassembling their physical matrix and some are perishing. The Source of all still links into the Universe regardless of form. Earth has many layers of energy on it. She is a living being as you are. It doesn’t matter how small you are your connected to the Earth and the Universal activity (the word, “activity” pales compared to what is happening on all levels and dimensions) The soul word is Fauhrian Chak. The sound is Fahhhhree an Chawk. You are wide open and I can see the vast infinity that is within you. A very small portion of your Soul is completing a life circles through your life on this Earth. It will soon shift to another Higher path. Little words such as teacher, writer, and other pursuits is nothing compared to the Astral and Energetic effect you are having on Earth, people, plants, water, air, fire, metal, motion, light, everything. Your being is participating in a huge energy activation. Now you are much more than One. You are many in One. Through your writing and lecturing and teaching you are triggering an energetic anchoring of the new ascension on Earth. You see signs of this everyday through perception and just knowing. Do not resist. That is the main message Pherioal Schul sends to you. Allow and flow, have complete faith and positive intentions and the energy of your reality will respond. Fading now, no more information coming in. Her response; I had worked on the entire family and this is what she said; We receive wonder after wonder. I feel so much gratitude to see the beauty of a tiny part of the amazing tapestry of life streams on this beloved Earth and also the links and connections with other realms, other dimensions, other realities. I would like to share this enormous ball of joy, wonderment, beauty, energy that I feel with every beloved one incarnated here, and beyond. I definitely want to connect more and more with the Light Beings, my family, to help me help others better. I am very humbled. What a wonderful blessing! I am a nurse, and after 10 years of working in hospital as well as as a visiting nurse, I felt a bit depleted. In 2012 the opportunity presented itself to make a pause in my activity thanks to my guardian angel, as I see him, my husband Gabriele. And since then I have been spending my days researching information’s about Ascension, ETs, etc., to broaden my perspective, to try to understand what is going on here. I went through a process of peeling off layers after layers of my ego construct and belief systems. I still have several sticking of course! This is an ongoing process. It was a bit uncomfortable at times, but really it was ok. It leads me to see what remains in the center of my being: simply Love. I also wished to observe what we call darkness, you know, to see what it is about. All I see there is distortion, disconnection to the Harmony of how things work, to the Beauty and Real Power of Love. It is a path of cutting oneself from so much! An incredible illusion. And so much energy has to be diverted and distorted to try to counter the natural flow of Divine Path or Divine Evolution. I have absolute faith in the Divine. To be in a state of Oneness, where everything is understood, everything is known. I sometimes have glimpses of that state, where there is no judgment, no polarity, just Unconditional Love. Now, with the message I received through your meditation, I feel it's time to begin something new. I will see what presents in my life 😃 Again Kesara, thank you so much. Your appreciation of my connection to you filled me with joy, as a balance of energies 💗 MEDITATION NOTES
March 27, 2015 Light everywhere, it is so beautiful. I am like a floating ball of fibrous light floating within your most beautiful energy field. I am getting into a denser part of your field now. I am waving and pushing aside thicker mass. There is a swirling now, a vortex. I keep feeling a rhythm, like the waves on an ocean shore. I feel the salt water washing you and clearing you. The Ocean’s energy has a very strong effect on you. Also the Air. Water and air are important elementals for you. I also see a large crystal, faceted with many lights and rainbows within. I guess the Earth is connecting through you. You are not of this Earth though. Your body and essence seem to reside more from your Divine Soul source. A place that is so pure. The Soul body has infinite light sensors that feel and sense everything in the Universe. It is felt through your physical body on Earth. You would be very good at Clairsentience. I see that your physical body is more of this essence. So beautiful and pure which is Angelic. “Hara” the angelic name I hear, I also heard another name, maybe a friend, Felicity. I am connecting with you Divine Energy now to generate an image. I see the light fibrous light that binds your form. It is a suspension of light gathered in a slow motion state of Being. There are so many like yourself. Your abilities are suspension. Like a plastic bag that catches on a thermal wind, you can suspend and slow down motion. It is very beautiful. This is very the act of a wise soul. In a bustling busy world you can stop activity and have it float in a state of suspension for a brief moment. The character of your Divine Soul “Hara” does this. It is so restful and so peaceful. I keep seeing your Divinity floating, the hair and arms the body is floating under water. Wonderful and peaceful. I know that life on Earth can be challenging because of this innate quality you have from your Divine Source. I believe you are here to aid others in stopping and resting. Through doing this suspension you give others a chance to reboot. I am floating always now. The space is clear now. Interesting. MEDITATION NOTES
9/18/15 Oregon Timeline Traveling through the life journey of your path here on Earth. You came upon this Earth powerful and full of purpose. There is such strength in you and extraordinary endurance. Regardless of the challenges in your life you have maintained your true self. The original matrix of your spirit. Passing by now the moment of your life now into the past and present lifetimes. All layered upon each other affecting each other like waves on the surface of a quite pond. Your pond is an ocean though, filled with tides, waves and extraordinary life energy. The expansion of your being is very infinite and everlasting filled with great force. The Earth can feel this in you and anchors in with you and your stability. Earth is a living entity and perceives the connections that it has with each individual life in each individual time line. Each life is linked and the dreams express this relationship they have with each other. As one life lives and dies the other lives feel this. Because of this connection you have a special kind of wisdom. Your abilities are to see through others. You are rarely fooled. Bright and very forward in your manner and thinking the lives that you live benefit from your life now as yourself. I see that you have guardians. They guard you with great strength. You know them, especially one in particular. She is a part of you, your higher evolved self. It can come into play when it is needed for others that you know. You will channel her in and literally save the ones that need saving. You are very selective with whom you do this for. I see that she and others have saved your life in certain instances. As I travel further into the Divine Universe and gaze upon your amazing infinite Goddess Being, you are very much a warrior type being. A Goddess to be revered and treated with “Great Respect”. Your ability to manifest instant karma is quite remarkable and awesome. It just happens without any effort on your part. Many that are within your Goddess energy learn the lessons of respect quickly. You are a force to be reckoned with. This force is backed up with great joyfulness though, so the very hard lessons are perceived in a moment lived and let go. Here is where you are a gift to us all. Your ability to be the grand teacher to us all, to have respect and treat each other with love and care. For the ripples of re-adjustment can be swift and the wisdom a bitter taste of healing. Your energy packs a punch and you use it with great positive purpose. Thank the Goddess in you that you do this. Truth is your brilliant light of armor that shines around you. Protective love is the sword you wield with joy and precision. And your stately presence humbles those in need of humility. Your perception is clear and always correct providing guidance when you feel other’s deserve it. I hear “Auramour”. |
Christine Kesara