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Meditation Notes
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Oregon Timeline
Wow, your photograph of your eyes gave me the chills.
That is really good thing!
Request to connect with your twin flame.
Swirling plasma of light is rotating around your energy. It looks like it is dancing. Your energy is dancing with this plasma of light. There is such a joyous feeling as the dance commences.
In the center of all your layered energy bodies is a pulsing bright orb. It gets bigger when the plasma of light swirls around your entire body. A ray of beautiful light comes forth from the distant Divine Universe and activates this swirling plasma.
The plasma slows down and a figure begins to form. The figure lights up and starts to become like a drop of water. There is a sound that "humms" as this process begins. The form glows liquid life and the feeling is pure.
The glowing figure takes shape and connects to the orb within your energy bodies. A very handsome man starts to manifest before you. The humming becomes a frequency, pulsing and radiating a strong feeling of pure love.
He opens his mouth and chants "Ahhhhhhh". The vibration is causing the orb in the center to vibrate and expand. This chant promotes a connection to you and he. He is attempting to use his new body to communicate on a telepathic level.
"Pahtahmi" is what he says.
(Pah tah me)
He is an energy being, a divine light being from the Oracle Luna. I see a group of beings that will combine and become one to radiate energy into individual beings within the Universe. The Oracle Luna is the 12th dimension layered in space with the light portals of Divine passage. He is considered an angelic figure on Earth. As you are his twin you are also an angelic soul experiencing life on Earth as a human being.
Pahtahmi speaks;
"How are you? Your wonderful light has graced me with connection. We are together always. So separate is the human body, your soul is open though through the mind and Heart Center. Breathing, you breathe, it is amazing. We are one. I see your mind and it is beautiful. Filled with light, filled with emotion that travels through me as light. You are so special. To be a human woman now, it is a sacrifice filled with knowledge and so much mutable manifestations. Becoming always something else. Now I understand."
Pahtahmi is taking a moment to organize his system of form. It is not like us, organic and solid, he is more plasma and living Divine Light. His body looks amazing.
His skin is very transparent with lights going through it. He links into your Chi energy, the solar plexus. Now I see you and him are one.
Pahtahmi travels now through your breathing. The feeling is very elevating and pure, like breathing in the purest air you could on Earth. He is like a Hindu God and you are a Hindu Goddess. You two are so loving and happy.
Pahtahmi speaks again;
"The higher purpose of separating is to gather information and gain experiences in order to have a parameter of solid more dense life. Also the experiences of emotion is very interesting. Especially within those that have a management or discipline of how to live with limitations and emotions. Through the amazing energy of joy and happiness there manifests power. Love is enhanced by this power.
Waves moving through an ethereal mass that manifests and manipulates matter, so the emotions create the quality of matter. To be very happy makes creating faster and brighter. We do this together. Our energies create form in a most positive and beautiful way. From radiating love into the Universe to brightening a single soul or leaf on a tree, the manifestation of this wonderful energy is all the same. For we are all one. So the degree in which any of us shed love, joy and happiness is important. Your dear life is so important. The illusion of individual bodies distracts from this most beautiful truth, that what we do matters as a whole. All of it.
Pahtahmi is anchoring into you and brings a channel into your Chi. The Channel is love. You are one with him. He can communicate with you when you create. Like writing , music, art, or even dancing, he comes through to you. He loves your breathing and your Chi energy. He can send you much from the Divine Universe. Any kind of positive creative thoughts are portals for Pahtahmi to participate in. Sending you energies to manifest beautiful moments and things during your travels on your Light Path.