Meditation Notes
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Complex and Faceted
Like a precious jewel, a diamond, shining all of the infinite light outward. The light that is shining is separated and defined by the very particles of color, frequency and purpose. Your comprehension of the Earth and its workings is complex and faceted. You have a brilliant mind that is very focused yet it can be rayed outward into many lines of consciousness and awareness. From a simple task to the whole of life you understand things unique to your ability to see and separate everything in its own individual place.
As your Light Path goes further into the future your intuition and perception becomes more and more refined. It is in the experience of life that you develop refinement. Your abilities are that of a very intelligent mind. The intelligent mind is one that sees all the possibilities and is not isolated to any dogmatic view point. It is impossible for you to be of a closed mind. Taking in the world and its workings are natural for you to see.
Viewing your abilities as a clear analyst of what is configured in your life on Earth can be very concise and the effort to perform in perfection. Yet the lessons on Earth are that of adaptation and acceptance. With your abilities you can see a pathway that always leads towards your aimed desires and goals. The path is infinite in direction and possibilities. It is the frustrations of perfection that bring in another facet of your mind. To be overwhelmed. No worries, you will master peace of mind through anchoring in your higher self.
We have so many aspects that we are born with carried on by the Soul. In you it is a higher perceptive awareness. This says something about your Soul Source and Goddess energies.
I hear "Through the darkness I will shine".
I know this is you're Goddess speaking to me.
Her name is Yanani (Ya Nah Nee). She opens her eyes wide and sees "All" through a microcosmic lens. Yanani's eye for detail is precious to the Universe, for she sees what may have been passed by or forgotten. Her talent for seeing the previous value in all aspects of a given focus she may press upon.
You Soul Source is layered in several dimensions of lifetimes coinciding together in a timeless reality. The wisdom and knowledge in your Soul is valued by so many higher forms of life in the Divine Universe. Each lifetime offers inventions and understanding of found discoveries. Adapting and sharing these gifts with others is your higher purpose. Your Soul Source contains lifetimes of inventors, artists, and scientistic discoveries of new life and formations.
Trust this ability and it will serve you in your life. Direct you towards a higher form of living and working. It is not so much of what you do in your life but how you perceive yourself within life.
To have such vision is a guiding magnet leading you into the future. Only you can be the grand realizer in your journey of discovery. Life on Earth can be a bit overwhelming but you can find peace with all the information you receive. Allow yourself to receive the information from your perception and accept the truth of your discoveries. This is a lifetime of infinite possibilities. Because of your unique perception you can help and heal others. You can provide guidance when you are fully actualized in your higher functions of your brilliant mind. It always starts with your own journey then it rays outward from there.
No matter which way you go it is always leading towards your higher evolution.