Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Oregon Timeline
Seeing the stream of events in your life. What you have witnessed and experienced fills me with such deep emotion. Your strength and compassion is so commendable. A true devoted woman of Jesus and God's divine path. The choices you have made for others and the protection and love you have given. So much strength is inside of you. Your faith in Jesus and God compels your direction and moves you onto a higher plane. The meditations and prayers are manifested in the divine light making it possible for all you care about to heal and find peace.
The light in your life is an etheric light of divine intervention. It comes and stays with you always. As a young woman, girl you witnessed an angelic event. A miracle that seeded the faith of God within. As you moved in the past to now through life's events you understood the value of faith. Seen the power that it has during very hard times. Your prayers always had strength and manifested in this divine etheric light.
Now you heart reaches outward expanding the desire to be of service. Yet this angel that is with you since you were born askes, "What of you my dear?"
There is this loving concern that you need divine love and healing from so much witnessed. The Angel wants to fill you up with the "Great Spirit" of God. Being of service to yourself is also a blessing. Channeling the gifts that you give to others and filling your warmth of love and gratitude towards yourself.
The angel is male and I feel very strongly it is Archangel Michael. There is a compassionate side to Michael that knows your service in the past and wants to give back. I do not know in what form this gift is given? The bright light behind this gift is strong. Maybe it is a gift of energy or healing. I do not know.
Your insight and perception of Jesus's voice comes through so clearly. The comfort that it brings you is a blessing. You feel like a kind of divine warrior, lighting up the dark energy that can sometimes debilitate others. Your strength helps those that are open to it.
Within your field of energy is a doorway. It is a portal that allows the Divine to come through sending messages and healing to those around you. Your strength of Faith is healing and can help those lost or afraid. Volunteer work at the hospitals seem so appropriate for you. Your energy helps those heal and transition to the other-side, to heaven.
At times Michael tells me you are not easy on yourself. He tells me you do not have an ounce of badness in you. You have always done the very best in your life and all that you feel needs forgiving is forgiven. To let go of all the guilt and sorrows and move forward into the great joy of love and live free. You are a Divine woman worthy of so much. Be free and open up to the playful joys of Divine Dance. Singing and gathering with others, treating yourself with Joy and playfulness. Friends and gathering loved once is a way of giving to yourself. Prayer and meditation with the infinite energy of God and Jesus is a way to give to yourself. Whatever brings in that amazing energy of love and blessings is good for you.
Happiness and Faith
As this path of celebration for yourself and your life unfolds you will see where and what your mission entails. The impulses of Divine guidance can penetrate your aura and lead you towards your Divine purpose. It can be small tasks or large ones, it does not matter, as long as it is with great love and happiness.
Every time I visualize you I see your surrounded by a divine light. It is always around you, like a twinkling fog. In the center of your body glows energy. It attracts people and Nature events towards you. Like the wind feels your divine presence. There is also a spirit that comes to visit every once in a while. A loved one that has passed on and watches over you.
I keep seeing a child. She is young about 3 or 4 years old. She is important. I do not know what she is in your life, but she is alright and very happy, bathing in your divine energy. She feels like a heavenly being.
There are flashes of children around you. Maybe this is the volunteer work that you do. I am also seeing a small dog?
The greatest message I am getting is that you are free. The sense of freedom expands outward and reaches into the infinite Universe. Jesus fills you with his love in the chest area, and shows you visions. Michael wants me to illustrate a portrait of himself for you.