Christine Dennett © Copyright All Rights Reserved 2024 ©
Right away I see you are both on Earth and in another dimensional reality. Your mind is operating on this higher level. Communication is happening not only physically through oral words but the energy communication is always on. There is a sense of urgency or importance that your energetic Light Body be completely fused with your physical life here on Earth.
So the question is why the urgency? Appearance is everything and very important. Your very physical manifestation is reflective of the beautiful energy of light that permeates your being on Earth. This value on how you are reflecting your amazing and most powerful energy Light Being presence is essential. I believe that you are attempting to ground and fuse your higher being with your human life.
The encoding of Spiritual energy is all throughout your body. The layers of energy bodies that surround the human body are expanding and undulating like a pulsing star. Your Light Body is a pulsating star. It can be heard from the vastness of space. A Star Being here on Earth. Through a certain kind of relationship you have with the outside world your perceptions seem to enhance those around you. Through a higher observing ability you can see the Light in others and know how to emulate the beauty of that light into physical presence. It is a talent.
This ability rings in frequencies from your Soul Source. A very large and vast Soul of light, Star light, pulsating its powerful vibrations through all the lifetimes. Lifetimes that are within the timeless existence of your Immortal Being. With the fabric of all lives orchestrating Light Energy. It looks like a galaxy of many mingling colors and matrix. It is beautiful like your physical being.
A vision of a Goddess emerges and she radiates the power of a Light Warrior. So intense is her purpose. Hermes the Greek herald of the Gods announces your entrance into the world. You come to anchor in the sacred Light. It is all very inter-dimensional your function on Earth. It is a kind of touch to create art within human kind. Using the human being as a canvas. Your Goddess is Atria. The name is symbolic and reflects your immense immortal power of light.
(Atria is a main star in the constellation Triangulum Australe.)
The intricacies of how you are on Earth has a higher purpose. You are operating on a Light frequency, so when others around you have a hard time following it is because they need to link in with you at a higher frequency. Some people may not be able to. The world needs to catch up with you. So there is the lesson in this lifetime, to be patient and compassionate. Your Goddess Star Atria is a central point. Just as you are.
The higher purpose of Atria is to attune the Earth into the Light.
How is this achieved? I believe you are always doing the attune with each breath that you take throughout your lifetime. I see you as a child doing this. Just as you do it today. Seeing beauty and loving the arrangement of this state of being is such a creative art for you. It has energy and can manifest a kind of "Awe" with the world around you. Healing the shadow self. Your Aura is huge. You command a presence that radiates inside and out of Earth reality. The power is felt by everyone.
So in your actions and purpose you heal with the manifestation of Beauty and Love in Life. Your gift to us all is your very being.
Walking on Earth and being aware of the transitions Earth Energy is taking your innate nature is to accentuate your Light within it. You can touch the Shadow and Brilliant Healing will extinguish its state of being. The precept for this ability is confidence and absolute certainty. As the human mistakes occur your Goddess self expands the knowledge gained and engrosses it with transitions of Light and love.
Practice often your higher perceptions for they are in full gear right now. Especially the higher perception of Claircognizance:
Clear knowledge is when a person has psychic knowledge without any physical explanation or reason. Claircognizance includes precognition and retro cognition – knowledge of the future and knowledge of the past. There are no restrictions as to what may be known with clear knowledge.
This definition is part of what this ability is. It is knowing without doubt. Clear sight.
Your alter Star Being Atria is the link to this human higher sense. Learn to recognize the input.