I see you and your Soul Light.
Your eyes shine the stars of your Solar system. There is much joy and so much happiness in this energy formation.
Inter dimensional series of portals reach out into many sectors of other Soul lights. It is a massive network.
What is so wonderful about you is that you are very present on Earth. Your Soul Light is expansive yet within your personal space as a human being you are very aware of life on Earth. This is a fortunate aspect for us all. You have the ability to reach out into the other Soul Lights and integrate them with your Solar system of energy. Channeling their pathways with yours.
In Spirit we are all connected to the Divine Universe. Earth life is unique in respects to our perception as an individual. With someone like you the individual can become one the massive source of Divine energy within constructs of Earth life.
Through thought and vision manifestation of forming Light connections is possible. Without explanation you can be operating at an infinite oneness with the Divine at the same time living and walking your life path.
I see you and your energy bodies working full time without exhaustion. It is the human mind that sees the limitations or infinite possibilities through belief. These feelings of certainty are the truth of your abilities. Always know the channel of the Divine and you will know with absolute certainty that your direction is right.
To explain the radiant light that you project from your entire energy being is hard. Each fiber is an automatic response to what you experience in life. Who you connect to on your path.
The process of channeling energy is very healing for all that is one with the Divine.
Earth is in an evolving stage now. The structures of dimension and our connections to those dimensions are being effected. It is people like you who manage this activity with your Soul Light. There is no reason to understand it, only have faith and know for certain it is a good and higher purpose.
As your life moves within a timeless realm, within each moment, the manifestation of channeled light burst forth with love and happiness. In your moments when you are most happy and satisfied the whole network of the Earth responds. Luck and advantageous events can become a regular thing.
When life's path seems to pause and you are faced with a 5th dimensional decision, just allow your higher light of certainty to come through and it will open a portal for you. Life is about decisions that we make in the moment. It is important not to over think. Allow your amazing expanded consciousness to see what may be unseen.
You are a guide, a Soul Guide. With your connections to the Divine Universe within your own solar system you can direct people toward a higher form of living and lifestyles.
It is all in the structure of your Energetic Soul.
At night your energy bodies ignite. When you are at rest this allows for your higher form to be free and go out into other networks of Souls. You reach them and see the fragmentations and hold their hands so to speak. Guiding them towards the higher path of Divine connection.
As an individual your life path is very active. It is important to allow your physical body to rest and the mind to meditate and access the Divine infinite energy. Through movement this can be achieved as a two fold rest mode. Like Yoga or Qi movement.
As you move your Light is channeled through your solar system. It is very amazing to see. Like moving stars into a perfect position for manifesting Evolution.
Seeing beyond the physical realm and understanding the light network in Spirit doesn't necessarily reach mental understanding, but your feeling in certain matters can be translated. Light Beings, as yourself have energy points in your body. Learn them and know them.
Life feeling hot spots or cold spots can be indicators of energetic perceptions. The Aboriginal people in Australia understood these sensations. They could actually communicate with family and friends by sending energetic language through the body and energy bodies.
Just being alive and happy filled with love and faith manifests into a beautiful light energy that reaches into the very soul fabric of the infinite.
You are so very special.